Standards News & Updates

Preparing for the Updated Standards

Written by QUAD A | Dec 18, 2024 3:25:02 PM

As the final reviews and approvals on the standards are being completed, we would like to let facilities know what to expect.

The revised standards will be available on the website for facilities at least one (1) month before the effective date. Please be aware that some standards may be removed or combined. New standards have been created to align with current practice. We encourage all facilities to review and be aware of the changes. 

If your facility is due for a self-survey or a triennial re-survey in the upcoming months and before the official release of the new and updated standards, you need to survey yourself and the surveyor will survey current compliance based on the most current standards available at the time. Your plan of correction during this time will need to align with compliance based on the most current standards. We recognize that some deficiencies may no longer be relevant based on the updated standards. If you find that your POC to be burdensome, due to the upcoming standard revisions, please work with your assigned accreditation specialist for options that may be available. 

Any survey that occurs after the standards' effective date, facilities must be in compliance with the new standards. The updated and new standards will include interpretive guidance (IG) for all the QUAD A proprietary standards. This IG includes the intent of the standard, education, guidance on how to be compliant, links to references, and what the surveyor will review to determine compliance with the standard. Standards for the Medicare-deemed programs will continue to have a cross-reference to a Condition of Certification, Condition of Coverage, or a Condition of Participation with interpretive guidance available in the program’s State Operations Manual 

QUAD A is here to help facilities succeed and support patient safety. 


Since 1980, QUAD A (a non-profit, physician-founded and led global accreditation organization) has worked with thousands of healthcare facilities to standardize and improve the quality of healthcare they provide – believing that patient safety should always come first.