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Patient’s Bill of Rights

Please note, this newsletter discusses QUAD A Standard 1-D-1 that applies to Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Office-Based Surgery, Office-Based Procedural, Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery, Pediatric Dentistry, International Surgery, and International Dentistry Accredited facilities with Anesthesia Classifications of A, B, C-M, and C. 

In the ever-changing landscape of healthcare, the emphasis on patient rights has come to the forefront, transforming the traditional patient-healthcare provider dynamic into an alliance founded on mutual respect, autonomy, and understanding. The progression of patient rights not only points to the advancements in healthcare policies and ethics but also affirms the dignity and worth of every individual who seeks medical care. The essence of patient rights primarily encompasses the concept that patients should have the autonomy to make informed decisions regarding their healthcare, free from coercion, discrimination, or neglect.

QUAD A endorses a broad spectrum of rights, including the right to informed consent, the right to privacy and confidentiality, the right to respectful and nondiscriminatory care, the right to refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law, and the right to expect continuity of care.

QUAD Standard 1-D-1 requires the following of accredited facilities: “A copy of the QUAD A "Patients' Bill of Rights" is prominently displayed, or a copy is provided to each patient. The QUAD A "Patients' Bill of Rights" is also adhered to by facility personnel.” 

For ASCs only, QUAD A Standard 1-D-3 requires that an ASC must, prior to the start of the surgical procedure, provide the patient, the patient's representative, or the patient's surrogate with verbal and written notice of the patient's rights in a language and manner that ensures the patient, the representative, or the surrogate understand all of the patient's rights as set forth in this section. Additionally, for ASCs only, Standard 1-D-5 requires that The ASC must disclose, in accordance with Part 420 of this subchapter, and where applicable, provide a list of physicians who have financial interest or ownership in the ASC facility. Disclosure of information must be in writing.

The current QUAD A Patient’s Bill of Rights can be found on the Patients page of our QUAD A website by scrolling down to the section titled “Patient Bill of Rights, ” or you can download the document by clicking the button below.

During the facility tour portion of the survey process, surveyors will verify that the Patient Bill of Rights document is prominently displayed, where patients can easily visualize the document. Also, for the ASC surveys, the surveyor will confirm that a copy is provided to each patient. They will also review the fillable portion of the Patient Bill of Rights for completeness and accuracy. Additionally, the facility’s procedure for posting or providing patients with a copy of the Patient Bill of Rights must be addressed in a facility policy.

Patient rights are a fundamental aspect of modern healthcare, and as healthcare continues to evolve, so too must the measures to protect and promote patient rights, ensuring that every patient is treated with the dignity, respect, and autonomy they deserve.

Since 1980, QUAD A (a non-profit, physician-founded and led global accreditation organization) has worked with thousands of healthcare facilities to standardize and improve the quality of healthcare they provide – believing that patient safety should always come first.